
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hello readers! Today were making a blog about what we did on Monday of 23rd of September. We went to  Orana  park with Bh  class when we got there to the zoo I was excited to see  the animals inside.When you go inside of Orana Park it was a huge  space with a lot of animals. They  have a   meer  cat, giraffe,   Spider monkey, buffalo, painted dog, siamang, orangutan,  gorilla, rhino, ostrich,


Thursday, September 12, 2019


Hello reader now were making a blog  about we did in Hurumanu P.E. In P.E we have some teams  our name teams is Stars like the warm ups and the  game my team  sport is volley ball. In warm ups we did like 30 star jump,15 running and back and forth  20 squats  20 glute stretch 20 walking hip flexor  stretch and were teaching each other  of different sports warm ups. In game we played bench ball  we do year 7 vs year 7 and year 8 vs year 8  in first  game is Tz vs Bh.

In maths I'm with Alec and Jayden and Shalizeh. We   did  some maths we divide our  team to two  teams when the two are divided they will answer the maths that is being assigned to them.


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Digital Tech

Hello readers today were gonna make a blog about digital tech. In digital tech I pick the environmental  issue on this work we search some issue in the environmental  and we need to put it in the research template. I draw a  cloud and were gonna put a different environmental issue I selected  is air pollution
the problem in air is so dirty so I pick it so I know what I  need to do to make a air clean. I learned about air pollution is  many people burning the garbage so the air is gonna be a dirty air and if we always smell dirty air were gonna git sick.In this issue we need to do the right thing to do to make the air clean.

Matt Research Template

Image result for air pollution
Image result for air pollution

C.I.P All Blacks

In C.I.P. we did a poster  for  All Black players  with a massage because they are one of the best rugby players.I made this  poster  for All Blacks players because they won in most of their  game. i admire   them for winning and being the best player of rugby game  in New Zealand i'm happy for them.I hope they will win in there next game.

 We are so glad to received  a massage from one of the player of All Blacks in doing this  project in C.I.P and work hard in our studies.