
Friday, October 25, 2019

Digi Tech

Hello readers now we're making a blog about  what we did in Hurumanu Tech. We did a game about environmental issue and I searched in googleand used the app. The name of the app is game  editor and on this site I chose the gamefroot classic template .My topic on this game is environmental issue like reforestation . I made level 1 to level 7 of the game. I only used one  character  in the game that I made. I enjoyed doing this because it's my first time to do it. In doing game froot its like building blocks and putting some animation on it.I added like zombies   and humans as enemies.

I learned a lot of things in this course Hurumanu Digi Tech. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Hello reader now we're making a blog about we did in HURUMANU P.E. In HURUMANU P.E we played Basketball,volley ball,bench ball,dodge ball, tchoukball, our sport that we teach is volley ball.

My role in the team is to demonstrate the warm ups. I'm not here in all period because I need to go to the ESOL.

My favourite part was the demonstrating the warm up with Alex because Alex is funny wen he did the squats.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Hello readers now I'm making a blog about  animal called meerkat. This animal is a small carnivoran  in the mongoose family and are primarily  insectivores they eats  lizards, snakes, scorpions, spiders, eggs, small mammals, millipedes, centipede, and, more rarely, small bird, plant and fungi. Meerkat are living  in a part of  Kalahari desert  in part of Botswana. They also called suricates, are clever. 
gregarious, omnivores mammals. 

Image result for meerkat