
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Hurumanu 6 Cannabis

Hello, guys today we are gonna talk about the cannabis legalization and control referendum and I'm gonna add to some positive and negative and some question.

1.what is it?
2.Pros + cons in this vote?
3.what would you vote for and why?

1. it's about the Legalisation of cannabis.

*The referendum question
Do you support the proposed Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill?

You can choose 1 of these 2 answers:
   I support the proposed Cannabis Legalisation and control Bill. 

   I do not support the proposed Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill.

 The proposed bill sets out a way for the government to control and regulate cannabis. it covers how people can produce, supply, or consume cannabis. The bill's main purpose is to reduce cannabis-related harm to individuals. families/whānau and communities.

Pros and Cons

Some people don't need to buy it from a legal.
They could put some ingredients that can control the cannabis effect.
It reducing income for criminal cartels.

educational delay
major depression
increased risks of motor vehicle accidents

If I can vote I think I will vote for no because I think it will have more accidents and I think it's bad for your health, I think that if they are allowed to use some Cannabis it will have more accident in New Zealand that's my idea.


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